9 Tips to Choose the Right Keywords for SEO

tips to choose the right keywords for seo

Ever wondered how search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others understand precisely what you’re looking for when you type a query? That’s the power of SEO keywords, the specific words or phrases you type into a search engine when looking for information. They serve as the digital signposts that guide search engines to relevant websites.

If the internet is a massive library, SEO keywords are the labels on each bookshelf. When you use the SEO keyword, you tell the search engine where to find the necessary information. But since there are so many terms to describe a query, finding the right keyword is important in the overall SEO process! 

The right keywords help your website stand out, making it more likely to be seen by people interested in your offering and helping with precise audience targeting. But, the question where most website owners are stuck is, who will help them find the right SEO keyword?

No one can better assist in finding the right keywords than professional SEO experts, and our SEO team at Crunchy Digital is here at your service! We are an award-winning SEO agency in Sydney with 6+ years of experience and have 1.7k+ content pieces created for 50+ clients. Let’s scroll down the top 9 tips to choose the right keywords, as detailed by our SEO experts, to know more! 

9 Expert Tips for Selecting the Right SEO Keyword 

#Tip 1- Understanding Your Audience

In the world of SEO, success starts with knowing your audience, much like setting up the groundwork for a science experiment. Here’s how to understand your audience:

  • Imagine your ideal website visitor – think about their age, where they live, what they like, and what they do for work. Knowing this helps shape your content and pick keywords that connect.
  • Now, picture your website as a busy marketplace. See where people hang out the most and what they like. It’s like having cameras in a store, giving you insights into what your digital visitors prefer.
  • Use SEO tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and surveys to understand your audience better. It’s like having a high-tech toolkit to uncover patterns in how people use your site.

Crafting an audience-friendly website in SEO means more than just picking keywords; it’s about truly understanding your audience to get high rankings and build real connections.

#Tip 2- Conducting Thorough Keyword Research

Unlocking SEO success involves diving into keyword research. Picture it as exploring your audience’s language to find what they need. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Imagine your industry as a vast library. Explore standard terms used by people. If you’re in tech, it’s understanding the language of tech enthusiasts and incorporating these terms into your content for better resonance.
  • Your competitors are fellow explorers. Analyse their keywords to understand what resonates. 
  • Tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush act as guides, assisting you with valuable keywords. Find insights into search volumes and competition, strategically choosing keywords for visibility.

#Tip 3 –  Long-Tail vs. Short-Tail Keywords

In the world of SEO, differentiating between long-tail and short-tail keywords is essential. 

Short tail keywords are generally shorter phrases or terms, often one or two words, and are quick and broad. In contrast, long-tail keywords are longer phrases, usually three or more words, explaining more about particular topics or interests. 

Short-tail keywords reach many people quickly, but there’s a lot of competition. Long-tail keywords target a smaller group with less competition but don’t attract as many people. It’s a balancing act between reaching many or a few, each with its pros and cons.

SEO success is about finding the right mix. Use short-tail keywords for everyone passing by on the main street, and add long-tail keywords for those looking for something specific in that cosy alley. This way, you reach many people while ensuring you meet the specific needs of those searching for something particular.

#Tip 4 – Search Volume and Competition Analysis

Search volume is the number of people seeking something. High volume signals widespread interest, while low volume suggests limited demand. Imagine competition as a race–high competition indicates many contenders targeting the same keyword, intensifying the challenge.

SEO’s success secret, therefore, lies in strategic balance. Target keywords with decent interest (search volume) but less competition. It’s similar to choosing a race where your odds of success are high due to a less crowded field.

#Tip 5- Relevance to Your Content

In the world of making your website easily found, it’s essential that the words you choose match what your website is all about.

  • Think of your website like a storybook. The words you pick (keywords) should fit well into your website’s story. This makes it easy for visitors to understand what your website is all about.
  • Imagine your words are like spices in cooking. You want to add just the right amount to make your content exciting but not too much that it becomes overwhelming. This helps your content be friendly to search engines and easy to read.
  • Avoid using too many keywords, like putting too much sugar in a recipe. It might seem good at first, but it can be too much. Keep a balance so your content flows smoothly, engaging readers while helping search engines find it easily.

#Tip 6 – Intent Recognition

In an effective SEO, recognising user intent is paramount. Understand what users are truly looking for when they enter a search query. This insight guides your keyword choices, ensuring they align with your audience’s needs and expectations.

Recognise that users go through various stages before making a decision. Tailor your keywords to match these stages, addressing informational queries, consideration, and decision-making, enhancing the relevance of your content throughout the buyer’s journey.

Craft content that directly addresses and fulfils the identified user intent. This involves providing valuable information, solutions, or products aligned with users’ seeking, ensuring a meaningful and user-centric online experience.

#Tip 7 – Localised Keywords for Local SEO

Localised keywords are essential for reaching the right audience in specific regions. 

  • This strategy enhances your visibility in searches specific to your region, making it more likely for people in your area to discover your business.
  • Integrate terms unique to your locality into your keyword strategy. This ensures that your content resonates with the local audience, effectively addressing their needs and interests.
  • Maximise your online presence by optimising platforms like Google My Business and local directories. This involves providing accurate and detailed information about your business, making it easier for local users to find and engage with your services or products.

#Tip 8 –  Monitoring and Adapting

Continuous monitoring and adaptation are essential for sustained success. 

  • Consistently monitor how your chosen keywords are performing. Track changes in their effectiveness over time, allowing you to identify trends and make informed adjustments to your SEO strategy.
  • Utilise analytics to assess the performance of your SEO efforts. Adapt your strategy based on the insights derived from analytics data, refining your approach to better align with your audience’s evolving needs and behaviours.
  • Stay informed about the latest industry trends and changes in search algorithms. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and adapting to these changes ensures your SEO strategy remains effective and aligned with current best practices.

#Tip 9 – Social Media Integration

Blending social media into your strategy is key to making your website visible. 

  • Use social media marketing services to learn what people are talking about. The discussions on platforms like Twitter or Facebook can give you insights into what words and topics are famous. This helps you choose keywords that match what people are currently interested in.
  • Make sure what you share on social media fits with what you want people to find on your website. It’s like making sure your social media posts and website tell the same story, making your online presence consistent.
  • Encourage people to share their thoughts on social media. This user-generated content is like a goldmine for discovering how people naturally talk about things. It helps you expand your keywords to match how your audience expresses themselves.


Understanding your audience, exploring diverse keyword types, and adapting to localised and user-centric approaches are fundamental for effective SEO keyword selection. The dynamic nature of SEO emphasises the need for continuous optimisation. 

As the digital landscape evolves, staying flexible is paramount. We encourage an ongoing commitment to refining strategies based on performance data and industry trends. Crunchy Digital, a leading provider of SEO services, excels in tailoring strategies for enhanced online visibility and sustainable growth. With a seasoned team, we navigate SEO intricacies to ensure your digital presence flourishes.
Connect with the SEO experts at Crunchy Digital now to know more.

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